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Best exercise for cardiovascular health.

Exercise for cardiovascular health.


One of the most important organs for the health of our body is the heart. Maintaining proper heart function and overall cardiovascular health is essential. Nowadays, serious diseases like heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and stroke are often increasing due to unhealthy lifestyles. Along with proper diet, regular exercise is also very effective in maintaining good cardiovascular health. In particular, certain types of exercise can help keep the heart healthy as well as blood circulation and reduce fatty deposits in the arteries.

In this article, we will discuss in detail some of the best exercises for cardiovascular health, which if practiced regularly will improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

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8 Best Exercises

1. Jogging or running


Running is one of the most common and accessible forms of exercise, which is extremely beneficial for cardiovascular health. It strengthens the heart muscles and helps regulate blood pressure. Regular running lowers cholesterol levels in the blood and improves blood circulation in the arteries.

A study found that people who regularly jog for 30-40 minutes every day have a significantly reduced risk of heart attack or stroke. However, one should start slowly in the beginning and gradually increase the time and speed depending on the body’s tolerance.

2. To swim

To swim

Swimming is a full-body exercise that engages the muscles of the entire body. It is not only beneficial for the heart, but also improves the functioning of muscles, bones, and lungs throughout the body. Breathing during swimming increases the efficiency of the lungs, which provides enough oxygen to the blood and eases the work of the heart.

Swimming burns calories, reduces excess body fat, and keeps blood pressure under control. Especially for those who suffer from joint or knee problems, swimming can be a good option, as it does not put pressure on the joints.

3. Cycling or biking

Cycling or biking

Cycling is another popular cardiovascular exercise, which improves heart and lung health. Cycling helps reduce body fat, which reduces stress on the heart and lowers blood pressure. It increases muscle strength and endurance, especially the leg muscles.

Cycling increases blood flow, which keeps arteries elastic and helps lower cholesterol levels. At least 150 minutes of cycling per week is recommended, which helps maintain good cardiovascular health.

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4. Walking


Walking is one of the easiest and most natural exercises, suitable for people of any age. Regular walking improves heart function, keeps blood pressure under control, and reduces excess body fat. Brisk walking or “brisk walking” increases the heart rate and blood circulation, which keeps the arteries healthy.

A study found that people who walk at least 30 minutes a day have a lower risk of heart disease. It is a low-impact exercise that can easily be done anywhere, especially for those who cannot set aside time to exercise.

5. High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

High-Intensity Interval Training

HIIT or High-Intensity Interval Training is a highly effective form of exercise that helps improve cardiovascular health. HIIT exercises typically require more effort in less time, with some periods of high-intensity exercise followed by periods of rest.

This type of exercise causes the body to burn more calories and get the heart rate up. It increases the elasticity of arteries and helps in lowering cholesterol levels. Doing HIIT exercises at least 2-3 times a week can help maintain good cardiovascular health.

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6. Yoga


Although yoga is primarily practiced to promote mental peace and physical stability, it is also extremely beneficial for cardiovascular health. Especially “Pranayam” and “Suryanamaskar” have a positive effect on cardiovascular function.

Yoga can reduce stress, which helps in controlling blood pressure. Moreover, it helps to relax the heart, which improves blood circulation in the arteries and helps in controlling cholesterol and glucose levels in the blood.

7. Aerobics


Aerobics is a rhythmic exercise, which activates different muscles of the body and has a positive effect on cardiovascular activity. This exercise increases the heart rate and increases the supply of oxygen to the body. Doing aerobics for at least 30 minutes a few days a week can improve heart health.

Aerobics burns calories and reduces body fat, which helps keep arteries clear. Besides, it increases the strength and elasticity of the body.

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8. Climb the stairs

Climb the stairs

Stair climbing is a simple exercise that you can do as part of your daily life. It increases muscle strength, improves heart function, and improves lung health. Regular stair climbing burns calories and reduces excess body fat.

According to experts, 10-15 minutes of stair climbing every day improves cardiovascular health and reduces the risk of fatty deposits in the arteries.


There is no substitute for regular exercise to protect cardiovascular health. It is very important to make changes in our lifestyle and develop proper exercise habits to keep the heart healthy. Regular practice of the above-mentioned exercises can improve not only the heart but also the overall health of the body. However, a specialist should be consulted before starting exercise, especially if one has heart problems or high blood pressure. In addition to regular exercise, proper diet, adequate sleep, and a stress-free lifestyle are essential for cardiovascular health.

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