Sugar Impacts on Human Health.
Sugar, commonly known as sucrose, is an important part of our daily diet. It is widely used in everything from tea and coffee to sweets and other processed foods. Although it makes food tastier, consuming too much sugar can cause serious harm to human health. Sugar is a carbohydrate that provides energy to the body, but its excessive consumption causes various human health problems.
Types of Sugar:
Sugar is mainly of two types:
Natural sugar:
Natural sugar is the type of sugar obtained from natural sources such as fruit, honey, vegetables, and milk. It is found naturally in the form of simple sugars like glucose, fructose, and lactose. Natural sugar is more nutritious and more beneficial to the body than processed sugar.
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Added sugar:
Added sugar is sugar not naturally present in food, added artificially to add extra sweetness or flavor. It is commonly used in processed foods, beverages, candy, and baked items. Excess added sugar can be harmful to human health, causing weight gain and other problems.
Human Health Risks of Sugar:
Although sugar is the body’s main source of energy, excessive consumption can cause many human health problems. Let’s discuss some of the negative effects of sugar in detail.
1. Weight gain and obesity:
Excess sugar intake causes the body to store calories, a major cause of weight gain. Beverages and fast foods with added sugar in particular provide extra calories. Sugar is easily stored as fat in the body, which can lead to obesity in the long run. Obesity increases the risk of various human health problems such as diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure.
2. Type 2 diabetes:
Excess intake of sugar and carbohydrate-rich foods can reduce the effectiveness of insulin. This leads to increased insulin resistance and increased risk of type 2 diabetes. Added sugar affects insulin levels, which can be a major cause of diabetes.
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3. Risk of heart disease:
Excess sugar intake increases the risk of heart disease. Various studies have shown that people who consume a large portion of their daily calories from added sugar have a higher risk of heart disease than others. Sugar affects the lipid profile in the body, which leads to heart problems.
4. Dental problems:
Sugar is very harmful to dental health. Bacteria in the mouth consume sugar to produce acid, which weakens tooth enamel and causes tooth decay. Dental problems are more common due to sugar intake, especially in children.
5. Liver problems:
Excess sugar intake can cause fat to accumulate in the liver, leading to a condition called non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Foods rich in sucrose and fructose cause fatty deposits in the liver, which reduce liver function.
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6. Effects on mental health:
Sugar affects not only physical health but also mental health. Excess sugar intake can increase the risk of moodiness, anxiety, and depression. Studies have shown that people who consume more sugary foods are more prone to emotional instability.
Moderate Consumption of Sugar:
Although sugar is a part of our daily life, its moderate consumption is very important. The World Health Organization (WHO) and other health organizations recommend that an adult consume no more than 5-10 percent of daily calories from added sugar. This means that 25-50 grams of added sugar per day is sufficient for an adult.
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Sugar Substitutes:
Finding sugar alternatives can be a good way to live a healthy lifestyle. Natural sweeteners such as honey, molasses, or fruit extracts can be healthy alternatives. Also, sugar-free or low-sugar foods and drinks should be consumed.
Although sugar is an integral part of our diet, its moderate consumption is very important. Excess sugar intake has negative effects not only on physical health but also on mental health. A healthy diet and regular exercise will help keep our bodies healthy. So, it is better to change our attitude towards sugar and follow a healthy lifestyle.
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