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Effective Ways to Survive an Earthquake

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  • Post last modified:March 19, 2023
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Ways to Survive an Earthquake



People who live in an area with a lot of seismic activity really need to know what to do before, during, and after an earthquake. In fact, no one is 100% safe from this disaster because you never know where you might be traveling or living in the future. So, pay close attention to the safety recommendations that could save your life one day.

You should move all the beds away from the windows. This can save your life if an earthquake occurs at night, strengthen shelves so that heavy objects won’t fall on you during tremors, and cover all glass surfaces in your home with special shatterproof film. This can save you from serious wounds and bleeding in case of disaster. To prevent gas and water leaks, get an automatic shut-off device or a main switch so that you can quickly kill the gas and power in the entire house. Keep survival kits like extra fire extinguishers, batteries, flashlights, and emergency food supplies in your home. Always store necessary medicines in your medicine cabinet. Have an expert test your house’s foundations so they won’t slip during an earthquake. Get earthquake insurance for your home. This will really help you out after a disaster

Some Ways to Survive During an Earthquake

Inside Building During an Earthquake

If you’re in some building and you feel the place vibrating, see falling objects or hear glass breaking. Don’t panic, stay calm and try to reassure others. Never leave the building during an earthquake.

If you feel the tremors of an earthquake drop cover and hold on drop right where you are onto your hands and knees. This is a safe position that allows you to slowly move towards shelter. Use one arm to cover your head and neck. A massive desk or table makes a good shelter if there’s nothing in the room to hide under at least stay away from the windows remain in this position and bend over as much as you can to protect your vital organs.

Outside During an Earthquake

If you’re outside be ready to help people in the case, you’re out in the middle of a disaster during the tremors don’t enter buildings, and don’t run around them. Stay outside, move away from power lines, tall buildings, and roads try to find shelter and hide and again drop cover and hold on.

during earthquake in car

In Car

If you’re in a car being in a car during an earthquake is really dangerous. Panic on the road can turn into a serious accident. So, remember to slow down and find a safe place to stop the car, preferably the curb avoiding power lines and high-rise buildings don’t get out of the car until the earthquake stops.





On the Beach During an Earthquake

If you’re on the beach or near the shore, if you feel the shock somewhere by the water, don’t wait around to be told what to do. An earthquake can trigger a tsunami so it’s better to collect your things immediately and move to higher ground




during earthquake in wheelchair

In Wheelchair

If you’re in a wheelchair in case you’re in a wheelchair and you see and feel an earthquake starting look around for shelter, try to get there as fast as you can, then lock your wheels, cover your head and neck with your hands and anything else available like a book rug or pillow and hold on to something sturdy.




In a stadium

If you’re in a stadium. If watching your favorite team at the stadium has suddenly been interrupted by an earthquake, stay where you are never start a panic in a crowd instead get on the floor in the space in front of your seat bend over and cover your head and neck with your hands stay calm and reassure others.





If you’re thinking about using the elevator to get out of the building during an earthquake, think again, stay in the building, or use the stairs if necessary. The fact is that electricity during an earthquake is unstable and can easily go out if you’re caught unaware in the elevator, then take the following actions, lie down on the floor, cover your head with your hands, and wait until the elevator starts working again. Get out on the next floor and use the stairs.

In bed

If you’re in bed. Sometimes earthquakes happen at night. If you’ve woken up by the room shaking and realized there’s an earthquake happening. Try to do the following. Stay in bed, protect your head with a pillow, and lie face down. If there’s a shelf above your bed or a ceiling lamp that can fall on your head, then move to a safe place.

Trapped Under Rubble

If you’re trapped under rubble, if by any chance during or after an earthquake, you become trapped and can’t get out from beneath debris and rubble. Here’s what you should do to survive. Don’t move, it’ll just kick up dust and can get in your eyes and lungs, cover your mouth with a cloth or piece of clothing, don’t light a lighter or matches, and don’t shout. It can be dangerous because of dust. If you have a whistle, use it so that rescuers can find you if you don’t have one, see if there’s a pipe nearby, you can knock on to alert them.



Evacuation is one way to protect people in case of natural disasters, major industrial accidents, and disasters. If you’ve received a notification that an evacuation has started, you should close all windows and shut off the gas, water, and electricity in your home, immediately collect only necessary things, and exit the building in a calm and organized manner through the emergency exits after leaving the building, find a safe place. If you can’t leave the building, find a table and drop cover and hold on if you’re trapped, don’t panic, try to get your bearings and give signals about your location. Don’t shout, knock, or Bang on metal slabs or pipes. Remember that the first shocks are the strongest from 5 to 40 seconds after that there may be a temporary lull and then another push.


-Be prepared for disaster: move all beds away from windows, strengthen shelves, cover all glass surfaces, and keep survival kits like extra fire extinguishers, batteries, flashlights, emergency food supplies, and medications in your home.

-Drop right where you are onto your hands and knees, and use one arm to cover your head and neck. Hold on like this until the shaking stops.

-Move away from power lines, tall buildings, and roads, try to find some shelter, drop, cover, and hold on.

-Slow down and find a safe place to stop the car, and stay in it until the earthquake stops.

Collect your things immediately and move to higher ground to avoid tsunamis.

-Lock your wheels, cover, and hold on.

-Get on the floor in the space in front of your seat, bend over, and cover your head and neck with your hands. Stay calm and reassure others.

-Lie down on the floor, cover your head, wait until the elevator starts working again, and get out of its ASAP.

-Stay in bed, protect your head with a pillow and lie face down, move away from shelves.

-Don’t move, cover your mouth with a cloth or piece of clothing. If you have a signal, use it so that salvations can find you.

-Close all openings and close the gas, water, and electricity in your home. After evacuating the building with only the most essential things with you, find a safe place. Whatever happens, don’t panic.

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