
Allergies are excessively touchy insusceptible reactions to a specific substance that is innocuous to the vast majority. Allergens are substances that can be found in a variety of environmental sources, including foods, pollen, dust mites, animal dander, and some medications.

An allergic person’s immune system overreacts and produces histamine and other chemicals when they come into contact with an allergen. These chemicals cause symptoms like itching, sneezing, watery eyes, runny nose, and skin rashes. In extreme cases, allergies can prompt hypersensitivity, which is a perilous unfavorably susceptible response that requires quick clinical consideration.

Elimination diets, skin tests, and blood tests can all be used to diagnose. Avoiding allergens, taking antihistamines, nasal corticosteroids, and allergy shots (immunotherapy) to desensitize the immune system are all treatment options. A medical professional should be consulted for allergy diagnosis and treatment.